After presenting to a group of several hundred, it invariably happens – the dreaded question – do you have a book? At the end of every semester students ask – do you have a book? Over the years, and those years unfortunately became decades, I simply replied, “No – but thank you for asking.” Students taking the course a second time (they do not get credit towards graduation if they take the class twice) would tell me, “You really need to write a book – I learned even more the second time through.”
I think part of the problem is that I am a voracious reader. When I was young my family teased that I would read late into the night, flashlight on under the covers. They told others I literally read everything in the elementary school library, and even memorized the TV Guide - I am still trying to figure out if that was a compliment or not! I have 11 pages of downloads on my Kindle right now – what I am reading really depends on my mood on any given day. Although, I must admit, I rarely get grumpy anymore waiting in line for anything – I just simply pull out my Kindle and enjoy. So, with that background, ME, write a book?
Then, one night in a conversation with family, my children pointed out that if I would just write “The Book” I would reach a much larger audience than my students, corporate consulting, and even media presentations combined. Even my grans said, “Grandma Candi, you need to write a book” and, how could I say no to my grans?
Unfortunately, it is not merely transcribing my lectures and workshops and the process has proved a little daunting. But, because I truly believe the principles I share positively change lives and relationships, I will keep at it. So, coming soon, to a bookstore, or online store near you – I guess online stores are really near – please watch for “The Book”. Updates will be posted here and, in my newsletter, (please subscribe.) Thank you to all those who kept patiently asking – I was just a little slow on the uptake.